Buy me stuff

Sometimes people ask me what sort of things I like to receive as gifts. I’m setting up this page so I have one place to direct them to find an answer.

Miscellaneous stuff

I have an Amazon wishlist here, with a general mix of stuff in it.


Blu-Ray DiscI collect movies the way other people collect Beanie Babies or sexually transmitted diseases.

As a result, I have two shelves full of DVDs I’ve picked up over the years. With the move to HD, though, the format for collectors isn’t DVD anymore, it’s Blu-Ray. And since I hate buying stuff I’ve already bought once again, I only have a few Blu-Rays.

This means that movies on Blu-Ray are an excellent gift idea! No matter what you get, it’s unlikely that I’ll already have it. And if I do, it’ll almost certainly be on an old SD DVD, so you’ll be doing me a favor by helping me upgrade my collection. It’s an easy win.

Want ideas for Blu-Rays you can buy me? There’s a list here.


I keep a list on Goodreads of books I’ve been meaning to read. If something’s on this list, I haven’t read it yet.

Computer games

As the game business has moved away from retail sales towards digital distribution, it’s gotten harder to give games as gifts; the days when you could go to Best Buy and get just about any title in a nice box suitable for wrapping are more or less behind us. But there are some digital distribution services that allow gifting of a sort.

Two of these are and Steam. I have a GOG wishlist here and a Steam wishlist here. GOG mostly sells classic games and indies, while Steam is mostly big titles from big publishers, so they don’t overlap much.

(Note that with both of these services, if you buy something as a gift, the gift is delivered as a redemption code in an email message. With GOG, you can choose to have that email sent to yourself so that you can give it to the intended recipient later, like in a card or something. With Steam, the recipient automatically gets an email the moment your transaction completes, so if you want to buy something in advance for a particular day it maybe isn’t the best place.)