Lindows Goes Portable

Well, well, well — after making a splashy entry into the Media Center PC market, Lindows is now going after the sub-notebook market as well with its $799 Lindows Mobile PC. You read that right, $799. Admittedly it’s not a smoking PC by any stretch of the imagination, but its specs are competent enough (especially for Linux), and in case you didn’t hear me it’s $799 — $200 cheaper than the cheapest Apple iBook, and with twice the memory and at half the weight. (Neither the Lindows Mobile system or the iBook have built-in wireless networking, though, so you’ll have to add in $100 extra or so for that.)

What is the deal with Lindows? I have yet to see a single person with Lindows on their PC, and yet they are aggressively expanding into new markets. Where are the bucks coming from? Still, it’s good to see an affordable Linux notebook (heck, it’s not that much more expensive than a Pocket PC) pushing the boundaries of where people can run open software.