Fun With Spam: The Stars Come Out Edition

Another actual spam found while I was cleaning out my spam filter:

Spam from Sean Bean!

Check out the Sender on this one. It’s from none other than famous British action hero Sean Bean! (Best known, perhaps, for his portrayal of the doomed human warrior Boromir in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.)

Wow. Who knew that Sean took time out from his busy shooting schedule to write incoherent e-mails to strangers? And what’s even funnier is that I’m currently about a third of the way through the epic Sharpe series of movies (there are fourteen of them, if you can imagine), in which he stars, so when I saw a message from “Sean Bean” in my inbox there was a moment of “What the f…”

Odds are you’ll be hearing from Sean soon too. Tell him I said hi.



December 16, 2003
3:02 pm

so was the words in the subject matter elvish for “great penis enlargement formula?”