More on Trippi and the Conflict of Interest Issue

The subject of Joe Trippi’s potential conflicts of interest when he was Dean’s campaign manager hit the front page of the Washington Post this morning. It’s an excellent piece that puts the issue into context and highlights why Trippi’s position within DFA was unusual even by the standards of political campaigns.

UPDATE: Ed Cone points out that Trippi spoke to these concerns at yesterday’s Digital Democracy Teach-In, claiming that he only made $165,000 from his position with TMS and Dean for America; and that Trippi’s remarks in his own defense weren’t cited in the Post story. I agree that this seems sloppy on the Post’s part — but I can also see how “take Trippi’s word for it” isn’t much of a defense. I’d still prefer to see some kind of documentation, either from Trippi, TMS, or DFA, to clear the air on this once and for all.