Fun With Spam: Did I Sleep Through My 9:55??? Edition

Another actual spam found while I was cleaning out my spam filter:

Spam from my old college president???

I include this one only as a shout-out for all four or so of my readers who will understand why it is so funny 🙂



June 17, 2004
3:01 pm

Fantastic, Jason. Did you actually open it or were you afraid it would suck your eyeballs through your computer screen? 🙂

Jason Lefkowitz

June 17, 2004
6:15 pm

Nope, didn’t open it — I was terrified that if I did, it would seize control of my printer and start spitting out new logos for all my hardware 🙂

David Jay

June 20, 2004
10:49 pm

NICE! Did I ever tell you about my fun e-correspondence with him a few years back when they made the move to the Patriot League?