Just A Number

In a few months I’ll be turning 30. This has been the cause of a good bit of reflection for me, as I imagine it is for many people — the standard what-am-I-doing-with-my-life? stuff, nothing special.

Doc Searls had some words on this issue today that I found particularly heartening:

Everything you know me for I’ve done since I was 50.



January 27, 2005
2:08 pm

At 30 I was scrambling a bit too much to be other than mildly depressed that I could no longer say I was in my 20s.
35 was much rougher, at least for a while.
However, 36 has been a breeze so far, despite equal upheaval. Partially I’ve gotten used to the concept, and partially I’ve realized it’s not a race. It’s good to take stock, but not good to do it other than in the context of “so, what’s next?”


January 28, 2005
1:12 am

No biggie really – its all about attiude, right … right…please?
And if it helps, I believe I turn 30 before you – in 6 weeks no less…
beware the ides of march