Hey, Jason! How Ya Been Lately???

(Note: The image is back, thanks to some ARCANE MAGIC shared with me by none other than Chris Locke via e-mail by which I was able to snag a legit copy of my very own…)
Jason Lefkowitz's forlorn hope
(Note: The image is back, thanks to some ARCANE MAGIC shared with me by none other than Chris Locke via e-mail by which I was able to snag a legit copy of my very own…)
Sandy Smith
March 21, 2005
8:37 pm
You need beer, stat.
Um…better put down the piece first, though…
March 22, 2005
3:30 am
actually, in this case, I bought it. wonders never cease, eh? but it does look good on your blog. hey joe, where you going with that… happiness is a warm… yes its is…