Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together

Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together

Originally uploaded by jalefkowit.
Click photo for full size image.

Seen in front of a café near the Farragut West Metro.

“Drinkable yogurt and flowers.” WTF?


Sandy Smith

July 21, 2006
9:18 pm

There are a couple of edible flowers. I forget which one, but one got really popular there for a couple of years–it may have even been on Queer Eye.

Sandy Smith

July 23, 2006
9:08 am

Of course in this case it’s more likely this is a good headline for Leno.
“These are real headlines, Heather!”
“If you’re lying, I’m going to destroy you, Leno.” – Heather Locklear on SNL.