Geek Lust Object

No, not that one.

This one:


A tiny, 3.1-pound computer with an amazing widescreen display, built-in high-speed Wi-Fi (802.11g), DVD drive, and real keyboard. The perfect thing for writing on the road.

It ain’t cheap ($2,199) but then, what cool thing is?



May 29, 2004
1:45 pm

Cheapness (and not just the actress you lust over… haha ;-P )
If you use the thing everyday, how can one complain about the price? I paid nearly 3K for my PowerBook, and I can’t imagine life without it. If only everything else in life would have as high of a price/satisfaction ratio.
Anyway, the new Vaios do look kind of neat. I’ve seen them in the stores and whatnot, I just am wondering about the durability. Also, I know this has a Centrino chip, but I’ve heard that earlier Vaio models had a problem with dissipating heat. YMMV.