
Finally, a super Super Bowl!

My congratulations go out to the New England Patriots, whose 20-17 victory over the St. Louis Rams in Sunday’s Super Bowl XXXVI showed us all how determination and creativity can overcome all sorts of handicaps.

Consider: here was a team that was universally considered a sure loser, whose coach even admitted in pregame interviews that the only way they could win was if they could somehow pull a miracle out of their collective hat. But this morning, they were the ones wearing the Super Bowl rings.

Maybe sometimes the underdog wins after all!


Job Searchin’

OK, so I’m unemployed…


All SOAPed up

So I’ve been hacking away on using SOAP to send remote procedure calls (RPCs) over the Web under PHP…


Universal Music to Copy-Protect CDs

Universal Music Group, the behemoth MegaCorp behind such “artists” as Rob Zombie and Blink-182, has announced that it’s going to start releasing copy-protected “CDs” that only play back in specially enabled CD players and computers. The tech behind this is sufficiently confusing so as to require them to post a tech support site just to get the concept across.


Welcome to Just Well Mixed

OK, so welcome to the wonderful world of Just Well Mixed, my brave foray into the world of blogging. I suppose I should tell you a little bit about me, who I am, and why I’m doing this.

My name is Jason Lefkowitz. I’m a 26-year-old Web developer living in Oxford, Ohio, which is just east of nothing and a smidge north of nowhere in particular. My area of specialization is managing Web programming projects. When I’m not grinding out UML diagrams, I write short stories (maybe I’ll post some here, if you’re unlucky) and perform as an actor and improv comic.

All of which is fairly conventional. So why bother with a blog? Well, not to put too fine a point on the matter, but I think we’re on the tip of something Really Big here by combining (a) a global, distributed network (the Net) with (b) a cheap, easily-updated publishing medium (HTML) and (c) a common language, so publications can syndicate each others’ content (XML). It’s this last piece that has been missing for many years; that’s what made the Web a read-only medium for most. Now, though, it’s becoming almost trivial to write and use tools that make the Web a writing medium, and as someone who loves to write and who loves the Web that made me feel like I had to get on board.

So watch this space for updates as Our Favorite Geek (that’s me, kids) dons his best work boots and miners’ cap (light on the top and everything) and heads off into the deep, dark recesses of the Land of Blog. Off we go!