Archive: September 2005

So Long, PalmOS (September 25, 2005)

The seventh seal opens

Firefox 1.0.7 (September 23, 2005)

Use Firefox? You need this update

Opera Drops the Price Tag (September 20, 2005)

… and the ads too. Neat!

“Downfall” (September 18, 2005)

I highly recommend this portrayal of Hitler’s last days

At Least No Tentacles Are Involved (September 18, 2005)

Is there anything the Japanese can’t turn into a story about feuding schoolgirls?

Yet More Desktop Thingamabobs (September 13, 2005)

Because we don’t have enough of these systems already

The End of New Orleans: Now It’s Duct Tape Man’s Turn (September 13, 2005)

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

The End of New Orleans: The End of Mike Brown (September 12, 2005)

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, Mike

Movable Type StyleCatcher: Broken Broken Broken (September 12, 2005)

Seriously, it’s broken

The End of New Orleans: What Leadership Isn’t (September 9, 2005)

A lesson from the sunken city

The End of New Orleans: So Much for Mike Brown (September 9, 2005)

Na na na na, hey hey hey, go-oo-oo-d-bye…

The End of New Orleans: “Three Days” (September 9, 2005)

Just how bad is the toxic soup that has drowned New Orleans? From the Shifting Baselines blog: Three days. That’s as long as a pair of rubber boots last in New Orleans. The waters are so contaminated with hydrocarbons. This is the word from a friend of mine working with the Red Cross in Houston.

The End of New Orleans: And The Buck-Passing Begins (September 4, 2005)

Even as thousands remained to be evacuated from the sodden ruins of New Orleans, even as gun battles continued to rage in the streets, even as corpses rotted in untold numbers of houses and cars and out in plain view — even as all the weight of the disaster began to settle in around the […]

The End of New Orleans: “They Don’t Have a Clue” (September 2, 2005)

Mayor Nagin, on the response so far

The End of New Orleans: Diaspora Begins (September 1, 2005)

Update from the disaster area