Archive: October 2004

In Case You Hadn’t Figured It Out By Now… (October 31, 2004)

Just putting it on the record

Wow (October 28, 2004)

Time flies

The November Surprise (October 27, 2004)

It’s coming… For Americans Only? (October 27, 2004)

Apparently so

Announcing: The JWM 2004 Election Day Prediction Contest! (October 25, 2004)

Show the world just how smart you are, and win cool software

Treo 650 Announced (October 25, 2004)

Dammit, stop putting out these gadgets! I should save the money

The Gonzo Endorsement (October 25, 2004)

… is in

From the Walking and Chewing Gum Dept. (October 23, 2004)

Kerry shows some wit

Just Coming Out And Saying It (October 22, 2004)

So much for subtlety

Power Politics III (October 21, 2004)

Randy Chase is back. Hooray!

ALCS Game 7 (October 21, 2004)


Running Scared (October 20, 2004)

It’s fun to call people traitors! Especially when you have no proof

Child’s Play DC (October 20, 2004)

Charity times 5 from Penny Arcade

A Question (October 19, 2004)

for, that is

La Tasca (October 19, 2004)

Good tapas, reasonably priced

Jon Stewart is My Hero (October 16, 2004)

Even more than usual

MSDN Library FINALLY Gets Organized (October 15, 2004)

And it’s actually usable now

The Third Presidential Debate (October 13, 2004)

Bush needed to hit a home run. He whiffed

Santo Gold! (October 12, 2004)


Kerry Winning Where It Counts (October 11, 2004)

Among independent voters, that is

I Guess He Wasn’t “Edgy” Enough for Letterman (October 10, 2004)

Strange things happen when you push the envelope of President Forever

The Second Presidential Debate (October 10, 2004)

No news is good news

President Forever Scenarios (October 9, 2004)

Our cup runneth over

Sticking to the Script (October 8, 2004)

David Weinberger, calling out lazy journalists