
Winds of Change in the Ukraine

If you’re not reading the excellent blog Ukraine_Revolution, you should be.

We (and personally me, my friends, my family, my co-workers) defend only our election rights, our freedom, our personal opinion. WE ARE NOT fLOCK! This is only why we are out on the streets!! It makes me no difference who are behind the Yanukovich or Yuschenko. Politics are always politics, money are always money. In this case the GREAT FORTUNE of Yuschenko is that he is on the people side. The people, protecting their rights, but now people who are for Yuschenko or Yanukovich. If you don’t understand that – please turn of your TV and come here.

Ridge Is Out

Just off the wire: Ridge Resigns Homeland Security Post.

Tom Ridge, named the nation’s first homeland security secretary after the Sept. 11 attacks, announced Tuesday that he is resigning after three years of reworking American security and presiding over color-coded terror alerts. He’s the seventh Bush Cabinet officer leaving so far.
Ridge presided over the most significant government reorganization in 50 years. He’ll be remembered for his terror alerts and tutorials about how to prepare for possible attacks, including the controversial “disaster kits” that caused last year’s run on duct tape and plastic sheeting.

About time this nozzle sought new opportunities. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, there, buddy.

Netscape: It’s Baaaack! Kind Of

I just downloaded the preview of the new Netscape browser, based on Firefox 0.9.3. Screenshot:

New Netscape browser

God damn, but that thing is ugly. (Click the screenshot to see a larger version with the window widened, so you can get a sense for how much violence they’ve done to Firefox’s interface.)

On the up side, it does have a nice “View like Internet Explorer” option in the context menu that reloads the page using the IE engine so that you can see how it looks in that terrible browser (and inherit all its security flaws — fun!).

On the down side… well, there’s pretty much everything else.

The crashing irony, of course, is that Firefox was born specifically as a repudiation of Netscape’s “everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” philosophy (which held back the Mozilla Project for a long time). And now “Netscape” is… Firefox, made ugly. How the wheels of fate turn…

Blast From the Past

Just wanted to take a moment to flack one of my all-time favorite posts from this blog. I was in fine form when I posted that, if I do say so myself… and it is definitely appropriate as we all prepare to schlep across the country for Thanksgiving.

Happy holidays! 🙂

Americans: Idiots?

From Political Wire — Only a Third Believe Darwin’s Evolution Theory:

According to a new Gallup poll, “only about a third of Americans believe that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is a scientific theory that has been well supported by the evidence, while just as many say that it is just one of many theories and has not been supported by the evidence. The rest say they don’t know enough to say.”

Well, if you were still wondering what the answer to the question “what happens if you starve your public schools for money for 30 years and staff their school boards with right-wing Looney Tunes?” was, here’s your answer…

Yes, I’m Babbling On Again

I will be speaking on December 9 at Democracy in Action’s Beyond Election 2004 seminar. Also on the bill: smart people like Tom Matzzie, Marty Kearns, and Zack Rosen.

They also promise a (and I quote) “BIG ASS Holiday Party” afterwards. Who could say no to that? 🙂

Get the Most Out of Firefox: Cut Through Pages With Find As You Type

It’s time once again for a tip on how you can use Firefox 1.0 to its fullest potential. This week’s tip focuses on another cool Firefox feature that I think is underappreciated — “Find As You Type”. Once you learn how to use this great feature, you can become a serious Web ninja, slicing through long, tedious pages and jumping right to the stuff you’re interested in.

Sound good? Here’s how it’s done…


Mom Update

For those of you who care — I got the word today that my mother has been released from the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital and into a rehabilitation facility. She’s breathing on her own and talking again.

If you’re curious, it’s been exactly two months and 19 days since I posted that she had gone into the ICU.

MST Fodder? You Decide

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my first work of Advocacy Cinema:

No Flip-Flop on Protecting Flipper!

Share and enjoy.

The Clio Is Back!!!

Oh, man! The handheld-laptop cross-breed Clio is coming back.

For those of you who don’t remember, the original Vadem Clio was a nifty Windows CE device that looked kind of like a mini-laptop. It had a real keyboard and a screen on a swivel, but it ran WinCE rather than the then-current Windows 98 — letting it be lighter and smaller than any other laptop out there. (Here’s a review of the original Clio, with some pictures.)

I thought it was brilliant at the time, but it never caught on in the marketplace. I wonder if this new iteration will do any better?

Our Noble Leaders

Remember when Condi Rice — our fearless National Security Advisor who has now apparently failed upwards, in the style of her boss, to Secretary of State — got caught lying to the 9/11 Commission?

(Here’s the video of Rice’s testimony so you can watch her squirm and dissemble for yourself.)

Remember that? The White House is probably hoping you don’t.

Another Big Resignation

Today it’s Colin Powell:

Colin Powell has resigned as secretary of state, becoming the latest member of President Bush’s Cabinet to depart for his second term, sources told NBC News on Monday.

UPDATE: From ABC News: Condoleeza Rice to Be Named Secretary of State.


Seriously, how far is it possible to fail upward in this administration?

Get the Most Out of Firefox: Adding New Search Engines to the Search Bar

Now that Firefox 1.0 has been released, I thought that now might be a good time for a series of posts on how to get the most out of Firefox — tips and tricks that can help you use that browser to its fullest potential. There’s so many neat things you can do with Firefox that I’d be remiss if I didn’t share a few of the best with you.

The first of these will be on the subject of turning Firefox into a Web searching powerhouse, customized for your needs.


Eyewitness in Fallujah

Journalist Kevin Sites is blogging from war-torn Fallujah.

From “Street By Street“:

But as the unit moves past the building, going from east to west, another RPG explodes behind them, then a third. More casualties. A Navy Corpsman cut the pants leg off one of the injured and wraps a guaze dressing around the bleeding wound while another Marine covers with a 249-SAW (squad Assault Weapon). But regardless of how much firepower the Marines bring to bear — they can’t seem to silence this phantom enemy, which continues to fire on them from the rear.
Then insurgent snipers begin firing in front of the Marines as well. One round pierces the Kevlar helmet a twenty-year old Mark 19 gunner — in my vehicle. He is badly wounded. He’s put in a canvas stretcher and six Marines run through the streets carrying him to a waiting military ambulance.
Shortly after — another RPG round hits a humvee, but doesn’t explode. The Marines are rattled but uninjured. A Marine who has caught shrapnel in the face is led to the safety of an empty storefront — his eyes bandaged shut — his hands outstretched — probing the air in front of him.
The Marines know they are being hunted.

Amazing stuff.

My Yahoo! Search

With all the noise today about Microsoft’s new search engine, I thought this might be an opportune time to share something neat I just stumbled across — Yahoo’s next-generation beta search interface.

It’s pretty cool. You can do the standard search stuff, but if you log in with your Yahoo account, it lets you do a bunch of other stuff as well — stuff like saving pages that you like from your results to a “My Web” storage area for easy reference, blocking pages that aren’t relevant from search results, making it easy to share interesting sites with friends by e-mail, and more. You can even use the My Web function much like the way people use, as a kind of public linkblog — it even publishes an RSS feed for your My Web content.

Of course, the key question is how good the search results are; I haven’t played with it enough to be able to say definitively if it is Good Enough yet. But if it is, this could definitely give Google something to stay up nights worrying about — it’s the first real innovation I’ve seen applied to the search experience since, well, the launch of Google.

Thunderbird 0.9

Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 is here. New features include “Saved Search Folders” (searches of your mail that you can make “permanent” and use just like you use folders) and message grouping.

Prediction Contest Winner

And now it’s time to announce the winner of the JWM 2004 Election Day Prediction Contest.

Of the two entries (only two! You lazy SOBs), neither predicted the actual outcome of a Bush win. However, the rule was only that you be the closest to the actual outcome to win. So the prize goes to Chris Wolz, who predicted Kerry 272, Bush 266. Congratulations Chris, your copies of President Forever and PM Forever are on their way!

Someone Always Has the Good Ideas First

I tried to register a new domain name for this site when I saw the election results this morning.

Unfortunately, is already taken.


Two Words


An Appreciation

No matter what happens today, can I get a shout-out to my man Howard Dean?

Two years ago this week, the Democrats were completely — completely — beaten down. They had just been handed a thorough drubbing at the polls by George Bush in the midterms. War was looming in Iraq, and the conventional wisdom was that war would lift Bush to new heights of popularity (never mind whether it was a good idea or not). The Democrats, as a party of opposition, were bankrupt.

Then came Dean.

I discovered Howard Dean the way a lot of people did: by word of mouth. Smart people kept telling me I should check out this no-hoper, this Vermont governor who was polling down in Carol Moseley-Braun territory but who nonetheless was keeping at it. So I did, and what I saw inspired me. Here was someone who believed, not just that we could stop George Bush from doing the wrong things, but that we could force the system to do the right things. He wasn’t movie-star handsome, but in his earnestness and willingness to confront the hard problems, he was strangely magnetic. You wanted to build a world that was as good as the one in his vision.

He led a lot of us to try to do just that. And in the process he helped the Democratic Party find its soul again — even Democrats like John Kerry, who sound a lot different now than they did two years ago.

You all know the story of the Dean campaign, so I won’t go into it here. But what makes Howard Dean doubly remarkable is what happened after the media and the Democratic establishment knifed him in the back. He could have picked up his ball and gone home, taken the rest of the year off — hell, that’s probably what I would have done, in his place. But he didn’t. Instead, he dusted himself off and went right to work campaigning for the very people who’d worked so hard to derail his campaign! He did so because he knew that the higher objective — sending George Bush back to Crawford, Texas (as he loves to put it) — was more important than any one person, even Howard Dean. It was more important than any ego gratification he could get from watching Kerry take a fall. So he went to work for Kerry without any grousing or complaint — even after Kerry spent much of the primary season going after Howard Dean with every rhetorical weapon in his arsenal.

That’s an incredibly classy thing to do. It’s a real window into the kind of man Howard Dean is. And it’s why I volunteered for him and contributed to his campaign.

Today, John Kerry is the nominee of the Democratic Party. But the road that brought John Kerry to that place took a far different path than most people expected in November 2002. It led the Democrats to find their voice again; to be willing to stand up and challenge George Bush on all sorts of issues; to learn how to organize at the local level again; in short, to do all the things a party needs to do to win. And I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that it owes much of that to Howard Dean.

Will it be enough to win? We’ll know tonight. But no matter what the outcome all Democrats owe Dr. Dean a debt of gratitude.

North Korean Luxury

What passes for luxurious dining for the police state elite in Pyongyang, you ask?

NKZone: Goat meat restaurants in Pyongyang links to an interesting article from the International Herald Tribune that has the answer:

Eleven restaurants selling goat delicacies have recently opened in Pyongyang, the Yonhap news agency reported Friday, citing Choguk, a Korean-language magazine published in Japan.
The three-story flagship restaurant in downtown Pyongyang sells goat yogurt, goat soup and grilled goat, the report said…

And what’s for dinner for everyone else? Short answer: nothing.

But Pyongyang is the regime’s showpiece. In parts of the countryside and in many inactive industrial areas, the food situation remains dire. “For a country which recently went through a famine, and many of whose youngsters are stunted through malnutrition, Kim’s fussiness about food is particularly misplaced,” Breen said .
Although the famines of the mid-1990s are over, malnutrition remains rampant.
On a visit to Seoul this week, James Morris, of the United Nations World Food Program, told the JoongAng Daily that 7-year-old boys in North Korea are on average 20 centimeters, or eight inches, shorter than South Korean boys of the same age. They are also 10 kilograms, or 22 pounds, lighter.
Large numbers of North Korean defectors now cite hunger, rather than political repression, as their reason for leaving the North.

A Blow for (In)Sanity at the Polls in OH

A federal judge in Ohio has ruled that partisan voter intimidatorschallengers aren’t welcome at polling places in that state. Good news in an important battleground.

UPDATE (11/2/2004): Wow, one day later and an appeals court has overturned the decision, so the intimidation will go forward after all. Amazing how fast the wheels of justice can turn when the ability of powerful people to bully around the poor and disenfranchised is under threat!

Bin Laden’s October Surprise

There’s been a lot of chatter about Osama bin Laden’s newest tape, released just days before the U.S. presidential election. Depressingly, I’m beginning to think that just about all of that chatter completely misses the point of bin Laden’s message.

Most of the talking heads have focused their commentary on what impact bin Laden intended to have on the election — whether the tape means he “endorses Bush” or “endorses Kerry”. This is utterly beside the point. I’ve been reading the excellent book Imperial Hubris, written by the former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit — a book that I expect most of the commentariat has read as well, though they show no sign of it — and it explains the meaning of the tape much more clearly, even though it was published months before the tape ever came to light.

In Chapter Five, the book discusses how bin Laden has been rising to two challenges — reacting to Islamic criticism of the September 11 attacks (on the basis that it is un-Islamic to kill mass numbers of uninvolved civilians), and dealing with the potential for even more such criticism should he and al Qaeda ever detonate a weapon of mass destruction in the United States. Part of his response to both these challenges, the author writes, has been to build the rationale that his actions were a last resort, that he had exhausted every reasonable alternative to bring the United States around to the word of Allah before turning to violence. Thus, in his writings, tapes, and so on, he repeatedly makes gestures like offering to be a spiritual teacher of Islam to the American people; he doesn’t believe that America will actually take him up on the offer, but by making it he bolsters his case in the Islamic world.

With that in mind, I want to excerpt a bit from the section in that chapter entitled “Target America: Justifying Mass Casualties” that speaks pretty clearly to the meaning of the latest tape:

While keeping the United States on the rhetorical bull’s-eye since September 2001, bin Laden has focused equally on making sure that the Muslim world is ready to accept an attack that causes mass American casualties. The effort directed at the Muslim world, in fact, may be the reason there has not been a major attack in the United States since 2001. Toward the goal of preparing Muslims, bin Laden has repeatedly warned Americans that another al Qaeda attack on the United States is in the offing and that it will be worse than that of 11 September. He has also offered U.S. leaders and the American people the chance to convert to Islam, volunteering himself to be their teacher and guide on the path to God’s truth. It appears, moreover, that al Qaeda prompted a well-known and respected Saudi Islamic scholar to write and publish a treatise that, in religious terms, justifies the use of weapons of mass destruction in the United States. Finally, bin Laden has appealed directly to the American people to use their democratic system of government to force U.S. leaders to abrogate policies that are harming the Muslim world, in essence saying that U.S. citizens have it in their power to end the war between America and Islam and if they do not use it, they merit any tragedy that befalls them. At the end of the day, these actions are made more to address and satisfy the concerns of Muslim critics of the 11 September attacks than with any expectation that America will change its policies and end the war…
bin Laden went the extra mile in preparing Muslims for a WMD attack on the United States by turning America’s democracy back on its own citizenry. “Many people in the West are good and gentle people,” bin Laden said. “I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system [i.e., U.S. foreign policy] which makes nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom.” Turning the absurd personalized war-making formula so beloved in the West — “We are at war with bin Laden not Muslims,” for example, or, “We are at war with Saddam not Iraqis” — against the United States, bin Laden assures Americans that Islam is at war against their government and not them, and he explains that because he understands that America is a democracy, he also understands that Americans have the electoral power to change the leaders who are prosecuting an anti-Islam foreign policy. U.S. citizens, he argues, have the ability to end those policies, remove the cause of the U.S. war with Islam, and end the risk of a WMD attack causing mass American casualties…
While bin Laden would welcome the end of these policies, and any dissent his words might provoke in the United States, he probably expects neither. Rather, he has employed this argument as yet another way of proving to Muslims that he has exhausted every available means to prevent the necessity of using a weapon of mass destruction against Americans. He had warned, offered conversion, sought religious guidance, and — as a last ditch effort — tried to persuade Americans to protect themselves in the best American tradition of using the ballot box. Nothing has worked for bin Laden, Muslims are still being attacked and killed, and so, as Shaykh al-Fahd [the author of the religious treatise justifying WMD use] wrote, “If people of authority engaged in jihad determine that the evil of the infidels can only be repelled by their means [i.e. by weapons of mass destruction], they may be used.” …
It is clear that bin Laden is one of those “in authority over the jihad” who has decided the “jihad requires” the use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States and believes that their use is religiously “legitimate”. No one should be surprised when bin Laden and al Qaeda detonate a weapon of mass destruction in the United States.

(Emphasis above is mine.)

Notice how this describes bin Laden’s most recent message perfectly, even though it was written long before that message ever surfaced and was based on the content of messages from 2003 and before. So this latest tape shouldn’t be viewed as an attempt to tilt the election at all, but rather the latest salvo in a campaign of justification that has been underway for years. And it’s not even really meant for us — it’s meant for consumption by the Muslim world, which watches and listens to everything bin Laden says very carefully. (Remember that the tape was released by giving it to al-Jazeera.)

But why now? Why should bin Laden pick this moment to surface again, after spending so many months in hiding in the mountains?

I can think of two scenarios off the top of my head that would make sense:

  • A media-savvy bin Laden wanted to take advantage of the U.S.’s current preoccupation with its elections to allow his message to reach a far larger audience than it otherwise would. His timing therefore can be seen as simply the work of a good PR man.
  • Or, more frighteningly, perhaps bin Laden and al Qaeda have finally gotten their hands on the WMD that they have been seeking for so long, and this message represents the final warning to the American people before they unleash it. In other words, it’s bin Laden giving those stubborn Americans one last chance to turn back before he punches them again. If this is the case, it wouldn’t make much sense for the attack to come before the election, since that would put the lie to bin Laden’s “you can stop this” message; instead, look for the strike sometime soon afterwards. It probably doesn’t much matter whether Bush or Kerry wins in this scenario, since it’s not like either one is going to give bin Laden what he claims to want, so in either case bin Laden would have an excuse to claim that his warning went unheeded. The only difference would probably be in timing — if Kerry wins, the attack would have to wait until he took office so that it could plausibly be claimed that the “outrage” against Muslims that bin Laden will say prompted him to strike can honestly be laid at Kerry’s door and not Bush’s.

I’m sure there are other interpretations as well. The point is that we need to stop looking at this problem from an American perspective and start seeing it as our enemies do, or we are going to suffer for our inability to do so. The national reaction to this latest tape (for a sample, see the screaming headline on today’s New York Post — “BIN LOSER: Bid to sway voters backfires on Osama”) don’t give me a lot of encouragement that we’re there yet.