Archive: Toys, Tools, Tech

No Modes (July 11, 2006)

One small step for Microsoft Office, one giant leap for usability

Why Your New Kubuntu Install Won’t Play Music (June 13, 2006)

You’re not stupid after all! It’s a bug

KDE Kwestion (June 8, 2006)

Kan kyou ktell kme kwhy keverything kin KDE-land kstarts kwith K?

The Worst Thing About PHP (May 30, 2006)

… is the documentation. It’s not that it’s badly written; it’s reasonably clear in that sense. Rather, the problem comes from the way PHP is structured. The “core” PHP language is pretty simple — it covers only the most minimal basics, things like operators, looping constructs, and so on. This makes PHP very easy for […]

Welcome to Boot Camp (April 5, 2006)

Now drop and give me 20, maggot

Reconsidering Python (April 3, 2006)

A second look at a powerful language

Google Talk Opens Up (February 2, 2006)

GTalk: it’s not just for Googlers anymore

First Impressions (January 12, 2006)

You never get a second chance, you know

Evil (January 1, 2006)

Google inches closer

World of Warcraft == Spyware (December 13, 2005)

Turns out, the answer is yes

Cloud (December 2, 2005)

A fun free game in the spirit of Katamari Damacy. What’s not to like?

The Gates and Ozzie Memos (November 9, 2005)

Notes on Microsoft’s change in course

The WinFX Look (November 8, 2005)

It’s shiny!

Microsoft Live: Old Wine, New Bottle? (November 1, 2005)

The Next Big Thing from Microsoft may be neither next nor big. At least it’s a thing

What Broke StyleCatcher (And How To Fix It) (October 14, 2005)

Mysteries of the universe, revealed

Google to Announce StarOffice Project Tomorrow? (October 3, 2005)

Apparently so

StyleCatcher Fixed! (October 1, 2005)

But not by Six Apart

So Long, PalmOS (September 25, 2005)

The seventh seal opens

Opera Drops the Price Tag (September 20, 2005)

… and the ads too. Neat!

Yet More Desktop Thingamabobs (September 13, 2005)

Because we don’t have enough of these systems already

Movable Type StyleCatcher: Broken Broken Broken (September 12, 2005)

Seriously, it’s broken

Google IM is Here (August 23, 2005)

… and it is indeed built on Jabber

Printing in Linux: Still Waaaay Harder Than It Has To Be (August 22, 2005)

Will the subject that has defeated Open Source Legends defeat Our Favorite Geek?

Tapwave Is No More (July 29, 2005)

So much for the Zodiac

Serious Security Issue in Greasemonkey (July 19, 2005)

All Greasemonkey users: Read immediately!